Key features

Effortlessly handle your IPNS records through an elegant API. We'll take care of the intricate task of maintaining them in the DHT.

Our IPNS service is regionalized, which means you can import your keys from a specific region or from all regions to guarantee the geographical presence of your recordings on the IPFS network. This not only ensures that recordings are retained on the network, but also reduces the latency of record resolution.

Redundant on 3 regions: fr-par, nl-ams, pl-waw


As part of the IPFS Naming service, Scaleway offers great flexibility in key management. Users can import an existing key or generate a new one directly in the service.

This choice is designed to meet different user preferences and scenarios. If you prefer to use a specific key, or need to maintain consistency, importing an existing key is a seamless process.

On the other hand, if creating a new key is more suited to your use case, the service facilitates this operation too.


Following on from the IPFS Pinning service, which lets you keep your content on the IPFS network, we'd like to complete the IPFS ecosystem with a new service: IPFS Naming.

After pinning your content, you can now create a key to point to your latest update, and above all maintain this information on the network and share it through DHTs.

You'll have a complete service if you use these two services, or if you choose to use them independently of each other.
With the Scaleway Console and Scaleway CLI, you have full control and management capabilities over your recordings and keys, making them easy to organize and access.

Number of recordsPer hourPer monthPer year
1 record~0.000314 €~0.226 €~2.752 €
10 records~0.00314 €~2.2619 €~27.52 €
100 records~0.0314 €~22.6194 €~275.20 €

Scaleway charges 0.01€ for key pair generation. Importing or exporting your keys is not charged.

Scaleway Labs

Scaleway Labs' commitment to innovation is based on anticipating and supporting emerging decentralization technologies. As a major player in the cloud, Scaleway recognizes the importance of remaining open to new forms of data sharing and storage, beyond traditional models. The labs aim to explore, test and experiment with these new technologies in the context of service decentralization.

It's important to stress that these initiatives are experiments, subject to rapid technological evolution and market changes. As such, it is possible that at some point a specific experiment may be discontinued. This flexibility is inherent to Scaleway Labs' spirit of innovation and adaptability. It allows us to adjust priorities according to results, technological developments, and the changing needs of our users and the ecosystem as a whole.

Use cases

The IPNS service offers a wide range of uses, especially for static websites. Imagine a static website using IPNS. You can link your IPNS name to the latest version of your site. So even if you update your site with new artwork or information, the IPNS link will remain the same. This means that visitors who have registered your IPNS to access your website will be automatically redirected to the updated version. So your audience is always informed of the latest updates and discoveries, simplifying change management in a static environment.

One use case for IPNS is the creation of a "public drive" on IPFS. This simplifies access to shared content on a decentralized basis. Associating IPNS with this player ensures that a persistent link always points to the latest version of the content. This means that users can access updated files without having to worry about changing links, improving the accessibility and usability of decentralized applications and file sharing.

dropdown illustration
Cheat Sheet

This section provides concise examples on how to utilize our naming service. For a comprehensive tutorial, please refer to our official documentation

Create a key

Before managing your records, you must first create your regional key. You can do this from the Scaleway console or with the Scaleway command interface.
Create a key using the Scaleway command interface:

scaleway labs

$ scw ipns name create name=my-website value=QmULjVfvvMf3v637XLQuBoYqchFC5MCPYLJmVeTMVcACK2

  • NameID $NAME_ID
  • ProjectID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • Region fr-par
  • Key -
  • CreatedAt now
  • UpdatedAt now
  • Name my-website
  • Status queued
  • Value QmULjVfvvMf3v637XLQuBoYqchFC5MCPYLJmVeTMVcACK2


Import a key

Of course, you can also import an existing key using the following command.

scaleway labs

$ scw ipns name import-key name=import-name-key value=QmULjVfvvMf3v637XLQuBoYqchFC5MCPYLJmVeTMVcACK2 private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64

  • tags []
  • NameID $NAME_ID
  • ProjectID $PROJECT_ID
  • CreatedAt now
  • UpdatedAt now
  • Name import-name-key
  • Key -
  • Status Queued
  • Value QmULjVfvvMf3v637XLQuBoYqchFC5MCPYLJmVeTMVcACK2
  • Region fr-par


Update Name from Scaleway CLI

To update your records, you need to specify the key and the new value, which is a CID or an IPNS name.
Update record with Scaleway CLI:

scaleway labs

$ scw ipns name update name-id=$NAME_ID name=new-name-website value=QmYyKBtEFXnxBQNzi9VyHwtdTSRSgQihCmkBuFNWcnQiBs

  • NameID $NAME_ID
  • ProjectID $PROJECT_ID
  • Status published
  • CreatedAt 22 minutes ago
  • UpdatedAt now
  • Name new-name-website
  • Key $KEY
  • Value QmYyKBtEFXnxBQNzi9VyHwtdTSRSgQihCmkBuFNWcnQiBs


You can retrieve your name's information, corresponding to its value, name and status (published or not) with the following command:

scaleway labs

$ scw ipns name get name-id=$NAME_ID

  • NameID $NAME_ID
  • ProjectID $PROJECT_ID
  • CreatedAt now
  • UpdatedAt now
  • Name import-name-key
  • Key $KEY
  • Status published
  • Value QmULjVfvvMf3v637XLQuBoYqchFC5MCPYLJmVeTMVcACK2


Export Key Scaleway CLI

To keep control of your name, you can export your private key and update it yourself.
To export your key, use the following CLI command:

scaleway labs

$ scw ipns name export-key name-id=$NAME_ID

  • NameID $NAME_ID
  • ProjectID $PROJECT_ID
  • CreatedAt now
  • UpdatedAt now
  • PublicKey $PUBLIC_KEY
  • PrivateKey $PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64



To associate an IPNS with your IPFS content, you generate a pair of cryptographic keys. The private key signs a record linking the IPNS identifier to your specific IPFS content. You then publish this signed record on the IPFS network. If you update your content, you generate a new CID (Content IDentifier) for this new version. You then sign a new record associating the IPNS identifier with this new CID and publish it on the IPFS network. In this way, your IPNS will always point to the latest version of your content.

No, the IPFS Naming service does not directly store content associated with IPNS. IPNS is a decentralized addressing system for linking names to content stored on the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) network. When an IPNS record is created, it points to a CID (Content IDentifier) that identifies the content on IPFS. This content must be present on the network IPFS. However, to ensure that the content pointed to by the IPNS remains available and accessible, it is possible to use an IPFS pinning service to store this content, making it more robust and permanently available.

IPNS, an acronym for InterPlanetary Name System, is a system within the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) protocol that enables names to be associated with content stored on IPFS. IPNS works by creating a pair of cryptographic keys, a private key and a public key. The private key signs a record associating a unique identifier generated from the public key with the value you require. This signed record is then published on the IPFS network, creating an association between the IPNS identifier and the content.

Yes, you can import an existing IPNS to Scaleway's service. During the record creation process, you have the option to choose whether Scaleway generates a key for you or if you want to import your own key. This flexibility allows you to seamlessly transition an existing IPNS or use your preferred keys while utilizing Scaleway's IPNS service for convenient and efficient management of your content's addressing and updates.

Yes, you have the ability to export the keys generated by Scaleway's IPNS service. This feature is designed to provide users with the option to manage their IPNS records autonomously while maintaining a level of flexibility and control within Scaleway's ecosystem. By exporting keys, users can ensure they have a backup and maintain a level of independence in managing their IPNS records while still benefiting from Scaleway's infrastructure and services.

When you delete a record, it typically takes approximately 12 hours for it to be fully removed from the Distributed Hash Table (DHT). This period is known as the "time to live" (TTL). During this time, the record may still be accessible but will eventually expire and be completely removed, reflecting the decentralized nature of IPFS and the DHT where data deletion takes some time to propagate and finalize.

Resolution of IPNS records is carried out mainly via the decentralized IPFS network, and not specifically by Scaleway. The purpose of Scaleway's IPNS service is to maintain and propagate the IPNS record on the IPFS network. Although the Scaleway service can help resolve the IPNS record based on the associated content, its primary objective is to ensure the availability and persistence of the record within the IPFS network.

Yes, you can create an IPNS record pointing to a CID that doesn't exist yet on the IPFS network. Scaleway's IPNS service verifies the CID format but doesn't confirm its existence during creation. For consistent CID availability, consider using Scaleway's pinning service. It ensures content associated with the CID remains hosted and accessible, enhancing reliability, even if the CID was initially nonexistent.
By using Scaleway's pinning service, you can enhance the robustness of your IPNS record, ensuring it points to content that is consistently available and accessible, regardless of whether the CID initially exists or not on the IPFS network.